Friday, August 24, 2012

Beet Down!

During my Sprout's shopping spree on day one I bought these beautiful organic beets because they just looked so seasonal and fresh. I had every intention of roasting them but they sat in my fridge for over a week until today when I decided it was time to use them. I didn't really feel like roasting anything today so I dusted off my juicer and made some beet juice! I added ginger and I think I added too much ginger because the concoction wasn't so great. I choked down about a cup and a half to get the antioxidant benefits and energy boost but bleh! Kenzie was really excited by a) the noise the juicer made and b) the bright crimson color of the juice. She was like "I want some! I want some!" and I was all "Kenz, you aren't gonna like it." But at age two one needs first hand experience of what you are or aren't going to like. She took one sip and spit it out all over the floor! Not much of a surprise there. I do consider myself lucky however, that she has the desire to try new things. There is a boy at the daycare where I work and I kid you not, he eats a diet of Doritos and fruit and that is it! We try, Lord do we try to get this child to eat something, anything else but every single day he will only eat Doritos for lunch. His mom endorses this behavior and as horrifying as it seems it's either Doritos or be hungry so we are in a position as caregivers where we just have to go with it or remove him from the school. 
When I first started this plant based diet, I had no idea where it was going to lead but at the moment I think I have been led to juicing as a way of dealing with the detox period because in addition to drinking lots of water and exercise, juicing provides my body with relief. While I have some work to do in finding palatable options of phytochemical rich juice I am looking forward to finding a combination Kenzie might actually enjoy too! 

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