Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Here comes the detox...

I've been at this plant based diet for a week now and today I've actually felt pretty shitty. The feeling is like a come down. Similar to what it feels like to be hungover with a slightly cloudy head and an all over tired, lack of energy feeling. Almost a year ago, I attempted a juice fast. It was supposed to be for seven days but I lasted about three, failing miserably because my lifestyle demanded more calories than what a fast would allow. I was hungry all.the.time. Prior to and during the fast I did a lot of research and one of the things I remember reading was a fast puts the body into detox mode, which is great, but one of the side effects of any detox, is feeling worse before you feel better. I never completely understood this because I had no motivation to stick with the juice fast and I broke it when I started to feel bad, in turn, my body remained stagnant.
Lurking in fat the body stores a lot of toxins from the bad foods enjoyed. And lord knows my layers of fat were not created enjoying spinach and tofu... bacon wrapped chicken wings anyone? with a side of french fries and ranch?? How about brownie batter covered oreos and cookie dough?
Eating a plant based diet excites me. Unlike with the juice fast I actually want to continue eating this way. I feel so passionate about it, I'm considering an extension beyond the initial two weeks because it feels like I am just getting started.
However, based on how I've been feeling today I think it is safe to say I have succeeded in throwing my body into detox mode. When detox happens the fat starts to melt away toxins. The toxins then enter your bloodstream causing this sick, drained, slightly edgy feeling. The antidotes for feeling this include drinking lots of water, sweating it out with exercise and eating sauerkraut... what??? I did drink TONS of water today like 4+ liters.  My Rx tonight included school supply shopping at Target and dinner at Zona 78 with a glass or two of polyphenol laced wine! :)

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